My name is Marjolijn Hols, since October 2016 I am certified for the Romana’s Pilates instructor level 5, training. I followed this training at The Pilates Studio in Scheveningen under the guidance of Marjorie Oron (level 1 instructor). The Pilates Studio, is the training institute, when it comes to passing on the pure Pilates method.
In the spring of 2014 my life changed from one day to the other. Almost every day I went running and I did among other things a half marathon. My lower back was hurting from time to time, until the pain became almost unbearable. One morning I woke up with pain shoots from my lower back that continued to my left foot. I lost strength and had a lingering leg as a result. In the hospital, I was told that I was suffering from a hernia. Suddenly I found myself in a bad situation being a young athletic woman. The hernia, the bulge, was too big according to the neurosurgeon, which resulted in surgery. After the operation, I immediately felt freed from the pain I had felt for six months. I realized that I now had to deal with my body with more love and awareness. After my recovery, my physiotherapist advised me to try Pilates. Your back will always be a weak spot, but through Pilates your core will strengthen enormously and that’s what you need, were his wise words. He advised me to look for a good studio, where they use the real pure method. That’s how I ended up at ‘The Pilates Studio’ in Scheveningen. After my first training with Marjorie Oron, I already noticed a big difference in my back. I could move more freely, paid more attention to my posture and became more aware of my body. I want to do more about this, I thought! The Pilates Studio offers the Romana’s Pilates training. The training in which the pure method 1 on 1 is taken over from the studio in New York where Joseph H. Pilates once started his studio. In June 2014, I signed up to do the training. That’s how my Pilates adventure started! During this period, I learned so much, gained inspiration and met so many good and driven people in the same field.
In October 2016, I completed my theory and practical exams and since then I have been working with great pleasure in The Pilates Studio. Now it’s time to spread my wings. With great enthusiasm, I started my own studio, ‘Zuiver Pilates’. Of course, I will still be very involved with the studio in Scheveningen. I hope I have made you inquisitive and enthusiastic to come and experience it for yourself. Make your body strong and healthy from a strong core and a healthy spine. There was a reason why Joseph H. Pilates said: